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Enfants qui vont à l'école
19 Jan

Enrolling children in school


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The French education system

In France, the school year begins in September and ends in early July. All children between the ages of 3 and 16 are obliged to attend school. During this period, tuition is free in public schools and charged in private schools. However, both types of school offer the same nationally established educational programs.

There are also several private international schools in Montpellier that operate independently.

The different school grades
  • Pre-school: for children aged 3 to 6.
  • Elementary (or primary) school: children from age 6 are enrolled in elementary school. Here, children learn the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic. Depending on their age and level of knowledge, children are divided into 1st grade  (CP: cours préparatoire), 2nd grade  and 3rd grade  (CE1-CE2: cours élémentaires) or 4th and 5th grade (CM1- CM2: cours moyens) classes for the older ones.  
  • Middle school: Middle school marks the start of secondary education.
  • High school: High school comprises the last three years of secondary education (known in order as "seconde", "première" and "terminale"). It caters for teenagers from the age of around 15-16. In their final year, students take a national final exam called the "baccalauréat".
The enrollment process

To enroll a child in a school, the family must already be in the country and have an address in France. The place of residence determines where the child will attend school. In France, town halls are responsible for managing elementary schools. If you have any questions about your child's schooling between the ages from 3 to 10, you should contact the town hall in your city. If parents wish to enroll their children in a private school, they must register directly with the school of their choice.

*To find out which school is in your area, check the school map on the website

The person making the application must be one of the child's parents.

To know more about the French school system and its educational system, check out the website of the académie de Montpellier, heading from school to university: click here.

Enrolling your child in middle or high school

Enrolment in middle schools is handled by the Academy of Montpellier.

For more information on how to enrol a child from abroad in a middle or high school, click here

Or on the rectorat of Montpellier's website to enroll your child in middle or high school, click here.

International School

International schools are bilingual schools in which both French and foreign students are enrolled in the same class.  

A list of schools with an international specialisation: click here