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07 Feb

Financial aid

French state welfare agency (CAF)

The Caisse d'allocations familiales (Caf) offers financial aid and subsidies to all international students. To apply for housing aid, visit the Caf de l’Hérault website. 

Make an appointment with the SAIEC if you would like help with your application.

Follow these steps to log in: 

  • It's your first application to Caf :     
    You can apply online without a social security number. Start by applying for your housing aid on, where you can create an account. A temporary identification will be assigned to you to enable you to proceed online (the temporary identification is made up of the letter P and 8 digits). This identification will enable you to connect to Mon Compte.
    Once your application has been processed, Caf will provide you with a waiting social security number. This will allow you to connect to your account to carry out your procedures, track the progress of your requests and payments, etc. To make it easier for the Caf to process your application, please send them your proof of identity (identity card or passport) and civil status (birth certificate).
  • You already benefit from CAF:    
    A social security number has been sent to you by your Caf in order to connect to your account. If you do not receive this number, please contact your Caf on 3230 (free service + price of a local call).

Crous grants and financial aid

There are numerous financial aids and grants available to help you finance your studies and your everyday life as a student. Don't hesitate to visit the Crous de Montpellier website for more information on financial aid, whether you're on a scholarship or not.