Hosting agreement - Visa
The hosting agreement is the official document specifying the type and duration of your research work in France. Only holders of a hosting agreement can apply for "passeport talent chercheur" status in France.
Requirements for "passeport talent chercheur" status
- Diploma: a degree at least equivalent to a MASTER's degree.
- Resources: have an employment contract or scholarship guaranteeing the necessary financial resources (minimum salary equivalent to SMIC).
The hosting agreement is equivalent to a work permit in France, and therefore means that you do not need to apply to the DIRECTE to work in France.
NB: if you are enrolled in a PhD program at a French higher education institution without a hosting agreement, the "ÉTUDIANT" status applies.
The different stages of the hosting agreement
- The accredited host institution in France is in charge of establishing the hosting agreement (to be filled out + signed by the institution).
> More information and latest hosting agreement template
- The host institution will send you the hosting agreement. You must provide it when you apply for your long-stay "passeport talent chercheur" visa at the French consulate in your country of origin before your departure, or submit it to ANEF when you renew your residence permit if you are already in France.